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  Milliput: Turquoise Blue - Epoxy Putty
Milliput: Turquoise Blue - Epoxy Putty
 67,00 DKK
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Turquoise Blue is the latest addition to the Milliput family.
In recent years our range of epoxy putties have become increasingly popular within the makers community, especially amongst woodturners.

We attended the first Makers Central at the NEC in 2018 and we were delighted to meet so many talented and creative makers who were working with Milliput. We were asked by many of the visitors to our stand whether we could introduce a new colour to our range and the popular demand was for a Blue colour. We will be launching our new colour at Makers Central at the NEC on 11th and 12th May.

Typical Applications:
  • Woodturning
  • Jewellery Making
  • Sculpting
  • Marbling
  • Woodwork

    Milliput is the trade name for our epoxy putty. We produce five grades: Standard (Yellow/Grey), Terracotta, Silver Grey, Black and Superfine White. Each grade is presented in similar packs containing 2 x 56•7gm. sticks and the general instructions for preparation and usage are the same.

    Once equal quantities of each stick have been mixed the resultant putty is at first soft and highly adhesive and then gradually hardens. Speed of hardening is dependant on temperature and at normal temperatures (20-25 deg C) Milliput becomes rock hard in three to four hours. By the application of heat the setting time can be reduced.

    After setting hard Milliput continues to cure and is fully cured after an elapse of time equal to the setting time at the same temperature. Once fully cured Milliput can be machined, drilled, tapped, turned, filed, sawn, sandpapered and painted.

    Milliput is an excellent adhesive and will bond any of the following to itself or to any of the others - wood, brick, cement, metals, concrete, plastics, glass etc, but note that Milliput is not intended as a thin layer adhesive. Milliput will set under water and is heat resistant up to 130°C.

    Mix together equal parts of each stick from the pack. Knead and roll in the hands for at least 5 minutes until the colours merge and become uniform and no streaks can be seen, and then mix for another minute. The surfaces to which the putty is applied should be free from grease and dirt. Smooth surfaces should be cleaned with a suitable solvent or with soap and warm water to remove dirt and grease. Abrading the surface will improve adhesion. the putty may now be applied and will set hard in three to four hours without shrinking.

  •  SKU: MILLI06


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