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In this section you can find all our "Animal & Companion" miniatures from companies such as Reaper, Dark Sword Miniatures, Nolzur's & more. Familiars and miniatures with familiars are also included in this category!
The Dunkeldorf Pet Collection (KS1+2)
175,00 DKK
The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf Pets (5)
105,00 DKK
Adler, Dieter's Cat
20,00 DKK
Adowyn & Leryn (Iconic Hunter & Wolf)
95,00 DKK
Animal Companions (5) (Bones USA)
85,00 DKK
Animal Companions I
85,00 DKK
Animal Companions II
85,00 DKK
Animal Companions: Goat, Pig, Cow
125,00 DKK
Axolotii (3) (Bones Black)
85,00 DKK
Barrow Rats (2) (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Bat Swarm (Bones USA)
85,00 DKK
Bats - Set 1 (10)
51,00 DKK
59,00 DKK
Blink Dogs (2)
49,00 DKK
Bruno the Hog
55,00 DKK
Chickens and Rooster Set 1 (7)
51,00 DKK
Chickens and Rooster Set 2 (7)
51,00 DKK
Colette, Ludmilla's Cat
20,00 DKK
Dire Bear (Bones)
37,00 DKK
Dire Rats (8) (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Dire Wolves (2) (Bones USA)
55,00 DKK
Dog Companions (3)
49,00 DKK
Dogs Set 1 - Sheepdogs (3)
85,00 DKK
Dogs Set 2 - Mastiffs (3)
85,00 DKK
Dread Wolves (2) (Bones)
52,00 DKK
Dunkeldorf Mutant Pets & Familiars (3)
50,00 DKK
Engel's Bloodhound Pup
20,00 DKK
Familiars (3)
49,00 DKK
Familiars 1 (7) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Familiars 2 (7) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Familiars 3 (7) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Familiars 4 (6) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Farmyard Animals (40)
160,00 DKK
Felix, Heinz' Dog
35,00 DKK
Flying Ravens (6)
62,00 DKK
Freyja's Wildcats (2)
55,00 DKK
Fungoids /Myconid) (3) (Bones USA)
95,00 DKK
Gallowhawk (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Giant Bats (3) (Bones USA)
68,00 DKK
Giant Cobra (Bones)
37,00 DKK
Giant Frogs (2)
49,00 DKK
Giant Frogs (2) (Bones Black)
51,00 DKK
Giant Insects (10)
59,00 DKK
Giant Rats (4)
89,00 DKK
Giant Rats (5)
59,00 DKK
Giant Rats Mother Animal
34,00 DKK
Giant Snake (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Giant Spider
42,00 DKK
Giant Spiders Set (5)
149,00 DKK
Giant Tomb Rats (6) (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Gigantic Spider
89,00 DKK
Grizzly Bear - Rearing
59,00 DKK
Guinea Pigs (8)
89,00 DKK
Hell Hounds (2)
49,00 DKK
Hyenas (2)
49,00 DKK
Isolde the Guard Chicken
20,00 DKK
Jaeger, Arnold's Dog
30,00 DKK
Jakob, Eberhard's Dog
40,00 DKK
Kaizer, Joseph's Dog
25,00 DKK
Koshka, Sven's Cat
22,00 DKK
Lini, Iconic Gnome Druid and Droogami
85,00 DKK
Mastiff and Shadow Mastiff (2)
49,00 DKK
Mother Bear and Cubs (3)
115,00 DKK
Old Traud, Engel's Dog
39,00 DKK
Pack Donkey (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Panther and Leopard (2)
49,00 DKK
Pathfinder Druid and Familiar
59,00 DKK
Phase Cat (Displacer Beast) (Bones USA)
75,00 DKK
Philipp der Pfau, (Peacock)
25,00 DKK
Polar Bear
49,00 DKK
Pugs (3)
49,00 DKK
Pugs of War (2)
45,00 DKK
Quasit & Imp (4)
49,00 DKK
Rat Swarm (6)
59,00 DKK
Rats - set 1
54,00 DKK
Raven Set (8)
60,00 DKK
Reapercon: Human Ranger Catalina and Hound
109,00 DKK
Schmutz the Gong Farmer Dog
50,00 DKK
Screeching Emmanuelle the Parrot
25,00 DKK
Shroomies (4) (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Silverhorn, Unicorn (Bones)
37,00 DKK
Sitting Ravens (6)
62,00 DKK
Skoggskattar - Scandinavian Wild Cats (8)
129,00 DKK
Spider Swarm (7)
59,00 DKK
Sprite and Pseudodragon (4)
49,00 DKK
49,00 DKK
The Dunkeldorf Pets
45,00 DKK
The Feathered Fiend Set
55,00 DKK
The Mutated Piglet
25,00 DKK
The Rooster, Sven's Nemesis
25,00 DKK
The Schnövsen, Vogel's Familiar
15,00 DKK
The Winged Rat Mutant
20,00 DKK
Townsfolk: Children
85,00 DKK
Vallhunder - Swedish Cattle Dogs (8)
115,00 DKK
Vermin: Spiders (2) (Bones)
32,00 DKK
War Dogs (2)
95,00 DKK
War Dogs (3) (Bones USA)
85,00 DKK
Warg (Bones)
37,00 DKK
Warg (Dire Wolf)
89,00 DKK
Wild Dogs (4)
69,00 DKK
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