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Male Characters
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Looking for a male character for your RPG? In this category you will find all our Male miniatures. We've excluded male monsters, but included races such as
Dragonborn, Tieflings, Halflings, Gnomes, Dwarves, Elves, Drows / Dark Elves
Adric, Wildfolk Druid (Male) Firbolg Druid (Bones USA)
68,00 DKK
Almaran the Gold, Paladin (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Amathor the Arch-Mage (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Animated Armor Construct (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Anirion, Elf Wizard (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Anuminar Winterbeard, Human Wizard (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Anval Thricedamned, Evil Warrior (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Arakus Landarzad, Human Caster (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Arthrand Nightblade, Elf Ranger (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Baldon, Dwarf Hero (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Bandits (3) Human Brigands (Bones USA)
109,00 DKK
Baran Blacktree, Veteran Warrior (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Belevos, Traveling Wizard (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Berg Ironthorn, Dwarf Crossbowman (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Bergamot, Halfling Scout (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Bertok the Brave (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Borin Ironbrow (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Brother Hammond, Human Monk (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Brother Lazarus, Plague Doctor (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Burgermeister (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Byverion, Thornforged (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Captain Blackscale, Dragonfolk Pirate (Bones USA)
42,00 DKK
Captives (3) (Bones USA)
89,00 DKK
Catfolk Fighter, Mal (Tabaxi) (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Catfolk Rogue, Shadoweyes (Tabaxi) (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Chop and Grub, Halfling Cooks (2) (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Clay Golem Construct (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Cultist Priests (2) (Bones)
52,00 DKK
Cultists (3) (Bones)
75,00 DKK
Cultists and Circle (3) (Bones)
51,00 DKK
Daehana Drithirien, Elf Fighter (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dain Deepaxe (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Damien, Hellborn Wizard (Bones) (Tiefling)
25,00 DKK
Damras Deveril, Wizard (Bones USA)
42,00 DKK
Darius the Wizard (Bones USA)
42,00 DKK
Dark Dwarf Cleaver (Duergar) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dark Dwarf Irontongue Priest (Duergar) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dark Dwarf Pounder (Duergar) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dark Dwarf Smiter (Duergar) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dark Dwarf Striker (Duergar) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dark Elf Male Warrior (Bones Black)
37,00 DKK
Dark Elf Male Wizard (Bones Black)
37,00 DKK
Darkrasp, Evil Priest (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Deep Gnome Heroes (2) (Bones USA)
76,00 DKK
Deep Gnome Rangers (2) (Bones USA)
68,00 DKK
Deep Gnome Warriors (3) (Bones USA)
89,00 DKK
Derrell Brumby, Human Fighter (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dodger Barncock, Halfling Rogue (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dorn Ironspike, Dwarf Warrior (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dreadmere Mercenaries (3) (Bones Black)
85,00 DKK
Dromn Ironsworn, Dwarf Warrior ReaperCon Iconic (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Durok, Dwarf Ranger (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Dwarf Cleric, Barden Barrelstrap (Bones)
25,00 DKK
Dwarf Gamblers (3) (Bones USA)
85,00 DKK
Dwarf Riverboat Pilot (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Dwarven Brewmeister and Patrons (4) (Bones USA)
109,00 DKK
Elanter, the Lost Prince (Bones USA)
42,00 DKK
Elquin the Daring (Bones USA)
47,00 DKK
Enlarged Dark Dwarf Smiter (duergar) (Bones Black)
51,00 DKK
Erebus Nalas, Evil Human Sorcerer (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Erick, Paladin Initiate (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Galladon, Male Wizard (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Gerard, Catfolk Bard (Tabaxi) (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Grimkel Bloodbeard (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Grundor Hoardtaker, Barbarian (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Halfling Cleric and Bard (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Halfling Cook (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Halfling Fighter and Barbarian (Bones USA)
75,00 DKK
Halfling Ranger and Rogue (Bones USA)
75,00 DKK
Halfling River Witch and Druid (Bones USA)
75,00 DKK
Harsk, Iconic Dwarf Ranger (Bones USA)
68,00 DKK
Henchmen: Linkboy (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Hollis Graywreath and Verbena, Halfling Druid (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Human Crusader (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Hyborian Hero, Male Barbarian (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Hyborian Heroine, Female Barbarian (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Hyborian Wizard (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Irremborg Planomap (Bones Black)
37,00 DKK
Ivar, Dwarf Cleric (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
King Axehelm of Kragmar, Dwarf (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Knights of the Realm (3) (Bones)
75,00 DKK
Kreed Bloodbeard, Barbarian (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Lanaerel Greyleaf, Elf Ranger (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Lars Ragnarson (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Leisynn, Mercenary Mage (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Luwin Phost, Human Wizard (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Maggotcrown Men at Arms (3) (Bones Black)
75,00 DKK
Mangu Timor (Bones USA)
33,00 DKK
Mellonir Windrunner, Elf Warrior (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Money Lender (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Morquen, Wildfolk Ranger (Male) Firbolg Ranger (Bones USA)
68,00 DKK
Nub, Dwarf Sausage Maker (Bones USA)
42,00 DKK
Oman Ruul, Human Warlock (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Oman Ruul, Wizard (Bones)
32,00 DKK
Prisoners (3) (Bones USA)
89,00 DKK
Reeve Irremborg Planomap (Bones USA)
51,00 DKK
Rogan, Half-Orc Thief (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
Romag Davl, Thief (Bones USA)
42,00 DKK
Salvadore Crowley, Swashbuckler (Bones USA)
45,00 DKK
Satheras, Warlock (Bones USA)
59,00 DKK
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