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Here you can find all our Reaper miniatures such as Pathfinder and Dark Heaven Legends, though with the exception of the
Bones range
. These miniatures are perfect for RPGs as heroes, NPCs, monsters or villains. The miniatures are in 28mm scale.
Adowyn & Leryn (Iconic Hunter & Wolf)
95,00 DKK
Aglanda, Herald of Razmir
79,00 DKK
Ailene, Female Cleric
68,00 DKK
Ailyn Ghontasavos
51,00 DKK
Alahazra, Iconic Oracle
51,00 DKK
Alain, Iconic Cavalier
59,00 DKK
Alastriel, Elf Sorceress
59,00 DKK
Aletheia Edair, Elf Duelist
59,00 DKK
Alfred Redlute, Bard
52,00 DKK
Alistrilee, Elf Archer
75,00 DKK
Almah, Merchant Princess
53,00 DKK
Almaran the Gold, Paladin With Flaming Sword
68,00 DKK
Amathor Arch Mage
68,00 DKK
Ameiko Kaijitsu
52,00 DKK
Amiri, Iconic Female Human Barbarian
52,00 DKK
Amiryth Elmlighter
42,00 DKK
Animal Companions I
85,00 DKK
Animal Companions II
85,00 DKK
Animal Companions: Goat, Pig, Cow
125,00 DKK
Anirion, Wood Elf Wizard
60,00 DKK
Anti Paladin
89,00 DKK
Anuminar Winterbeard, Wizard
75,00 DKK
Anwyn, Female Bard
42,00 DKK
Arael, Half Elf Cleric
75,00 DKK
Arakus Landarzad, Wizard
64,00 DKK
Arathanel, Elf Ranger
66,00 DKK
Aric of Halvon
62,00 DKK
Arthal Nightblade, Elf Ranger
75,00 DKK
Arthrand Nightblade, Wood Elf Sergeant
85,00 DKK
Astrid, Female Chronicler
43,00 DKK
Autumn Bronzeleaf, Female Elf Wizard
52,00 DKK
Aviriel Tellerion, Elf Paladin
52,00 DKK
Baeldrinahr, Elf Rogue Fighter
68,00 DKK
Bailey Silverbell, Dwarf
42,00 DKK
Balazar, Iconic Summoner
52,00 DKK
Barrow Warden Lord
59,00 DKK
Barrow Warden Mystic
68,00 DKK
Barzillai Thrune
68,00 DKK
Battle Herald
59,00 DKK
Biff, Halfling Monk
44,00 DKK
Borin Ironbrow, Dwarf Adventurer (Dungeon Dweller)
89,00 DKK
Bregan, Valkyrie
59,00 DKK
Brother Hammond, Traveling Monk
74,00 DKK
Brother Lazarus, Plague Doctor
74,00 DKK
Cassie, Female Gnome Wizard
45,00 DKK
Catfolk Duelist (Tabaxi)
69,00 DKK
Chammady Drovenge
51,00 DKK
Cheiton, Dwarf Hero
52,00 DKK
Chelaxian Infernal Binder
52,00 DKK
Christmas Eve
99,00 DKK
Christmas Knight
85,00 DKK
Christmas: Carol, Christmas Bard
79,00 DKK
Christmas: Herschel, Pack Reindeer
109,00 DKK
Christmas: Mrs Claus
51,00 DKK
Christmas: Santa Claus
75,00 DKK
Christmas: Wrapping Dragon
79,00 DKK
Churrusina (Tiefling)
54,00 DKK
Clarissa, Banshee
59,00 DKK
Clegg Zincher
65,00 DKK
Cleric of Urgathoa
58,00 DKK
Corim the Kestrel, Gnome Sorcerer
43,00 DKK
Damiel, Iconic Alchemist
85,00 DKK
Damien, Hellborn Wizard (Tiefling)
60,00 DKK
Dar Dimplefoot, Halfling Thief
51,00 DKK
Darkrasp, Death Priest
89,00 DKK
Darkspawn Cultist and Minion (Mindflayers) (2)
68,00 DKK
Deladrin, Assassin
75,00 DKK
Depora Azinrae, Dark Elf
51,00 DKK
Dingo, Mercenaries Sergeant
42,00 DKK
D'Khul, Bathalian (Mindflayer)
68,00 DKK
Dorva, Female Dark Elf
56,00 DKK
Drago Voss, Assassin
57,00 DKK
Dragonman Warrior (Dragonborn)
68,00 DKK
Dreadmere - Reeve Irremborg Planomap
62,00 DKK
Dreadmere - Sheriff Getmose Drumfasser
59,00 DKK
Dreadmere Ranger
68,00 DKK
Dreadmere: Madame Delia
85,00 DKK
Drys, Elven Dryad
79,00 DKK
Dungeon Dwellers: Baran Blacktree
89,00 DKK
Dungeon Torturer
52,00 DKK
D'Vandra Lukesia, Maggot Crown
68,00 DKK
Eando Kline, Pathfinder
52,00 DKK
Eccardian Drovenge (Tiefling)
54,00 DKK
Elise, The Witch
52,00 DKK
Elquin, High Elf Adventurer
65,00 DKK
Enora, Iconic Arcanist
59,00 DKK
Estra, Iconic Spiritualist
59,00 DKK
Ezren, Iconic Male Human Wizard
85,00 DKK
Female Halfling Thief, Elia Shadowfeet
52,00 DKK
Female Vampire, Jahenna
79,00 DKK
Freja Fangbreaker, Dwarf Sergeant
68,00 DKK
Genie Binder
64,00 DKK
Ghost Bride
69,00 DKK
Goblin Pyros (4)
89,00 DKK
Goblin Warriors (4)
89,00 DKK
60,00 DKK
Gray Maiden
52,00 DKK
Halbarand, Cleric
95,00 DKK
Halmar, Young Wizard
52,00 DKK
Hanei, Female Warrior
64,00 DKK
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