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Here you can find all our Reaper miniatures such as Pathfinder and Dark Heaven Legends, though with the exception of the
Bones range
. These miniatures are perfect for RPGs as heroes, NPCs, monsters or villains. The miniatures are in 28mm scale.
Hanrik, Dwarf Monk
59,00 DKK
Harsk, Iconic Male Dwarf Ranger
59,00 DKK
Headless Footman (Multipart Kit)
109,00 DKK
Hellakin Goregutter, Halfling Thief
45,00 DKK
Hellknight Signifier
52,00 DKK
Hellknight: Order of the Pyre (Anti-paladin)
59,00 DKK
Highlander Heroine
75,00 DKK
52,00 DKK
Ian, Crusaders Mage
42,00 DKK
Ice Queen
55,00 DKK
Isabella Locke
51,00 DKK
Ivan, Vampire Wizard
68,00 DKK
Jahenna, Vampire Seductress
49,00 DKK
Jakob Janssen, Monk
68,00 DKK
Jakob Knochengard
68,00 DKK
Jirelle, Iconic Swashbuckler
62,00 DKK
Jolie, Female Scribe
43,00 DKK
Jolistina Susperio, Elf Bard
63,00 DKK
Judas Bloodspire, Vampire Warlord
99,00 DKK
Juliette, Wizard
51,00 DKK
Karahl Farstep, Wizard
52,00 DKK
Kassandra of the Blade
55,00 DKK
Khalib, Runelord Apprentice
67,00 DKK
Khavith, Serpentfolk Evoker
63,00 DKK
King Axehelm of Kragmarr
85,00 DKK
Koya Mvashti
52,00 DKK
Kul Inkit
52,00 DKK
Kyla, Bounty Huntress
59,00 DKK
Kyra, Female Iconic Cleric
52,00 DKK
Laril Silverhand, Female Elven Blacksmith
59,00 DKK
Leisynn, Mercenaries Mage
75,00 DKK
Lem, Iconic Halfling Bard
59,00 DKK
Liela Mordollwen, Dark Elf Sorceress
57,00 DKK
Lini, Iconic Gnome Druid and Droogami
85,00 DKK
Lonnia, Female Duelist
52,00 DKK
Luwin Phost, Wizard
85,00 DKK
Lyrie Akenja
52,00 DKK
Magda Mintsilver, Female Dwarf
51,00 DKK
Maralise Moonscythe, Druid
51,00 DKK
Marius Burrowell, Gnome Thief
45,00 DKK
Maskarr Stoneskin, Half-Giant Warrior (Goliath)
99,00 DKK
Mason Thornwarden, Ranger
68,00 DKK
Master Spy
52,00 DKK
Mavaro, Iconic Occultist
65,00 DKK
Mellonir Windrunner, Elven Ranger
75,00 DKK
Mendevian Crusader
79,00 DKK
Mystic Theurge
51,00 DKK
Nemesra, Dancing Girl
54,00 DKK
Nienna, Elf Ranger
69,00 DKK
Nonalla Ellinad, Elf Wizard
68,00 DKK
Nyrissa, Dryad Queen
75,00 DKK
Octavio Sabinus
68,00 DKK
Oktoberfest Fraulein, Gretchen
51,00 DKK
Oman Ruul, Wizard
85,00 DKK
54,00 DKK
Ostog the Unslain
57,00 DKK
Pathfinder Druid and Familiar
59,00 DKK
Pearl the Mermaid
52,00 DKK
Pharess, Fire Sorceress
59,00 DKK
Piers, Young Mage
51,00 DKK
Poppy Cloverlocks, Halfling Barmaid
59,00 DKK
Queen Ileosa of Korvosa
79,00 DKK
ReaperCon Iconic: Bonehenge Priestess
68,00 DKK
Reapercon: Human Ranger Catalina and Hound
109,00 DKK
Rivani, Iconic Psychic
64,00 DKK
Rogan, Half-Orc Thief
68,00 DKK
Sajan, Iconic Monk
52,00 DKK
Salim Ghadafar
58,00 DKK
Sandru Vhiski
69,00 DKK
Satheras, Elf Warlock
75,00 DKK
Seltyiel Iconic Eldritch Knight
64,00 DKK
Seoni Original Version
85,00 DKK
Shaelin, Female Bard
45,00 DKK
Shaeress Nashanneth, Dark Elf Queen
62,00 DKK
Shalelu, Elf Ranger
51,00 DKK
Shazathared, Marid
62,00 DKK
Sir Conlan, Crusaders Sergeant
89,00 DKK
Sister Hazel, Plague Doctor
74,00 DKK
Skreed Gorewillow (Half-Orc)
66,00 DKK
Talnyth, Female Elf Barbarian
65,00 DKK
Technic League Captain
54,00 DKK
Tengu Warrior (Kenku)
52,00 DKK
Tengu, Rogue (Kenku)
52,00 DKK
Tengu, Wizard (Kenku)
52,00 DKK
The Red Raven
65,00 DKK
The Scribbler
51,00 DKK
Thelgar Halfblood, Half Orc Barbarian
68,00 DKK
Tiviel, Hellborn Rogue (Tiefling)
43,00 DKK
Toshiro, Male Ronin
59,00 DKK
Townsfolk - Cooper
59,00 DKK
Townsfolk: Adventuring Kids #1 (2)
64,00 DKK
Townsfolk: Adventuring Kids #2 (2)
62,00 DKK
Townsfolk: Burgermeister
85,00 DKK
Townsfolk: Children
85,00 DKK
Townsfolk: Courtesan
59,00 DKK
Townsfolk: Milk Maid
59,00 DKK
Townsfolk: Scribe, Money Lender
64,00 DKK
Trista, the White Wolf
54,00 DKK
Turanil, Elf Paladin
75,00 DKK
Uglunuk, Half Giant Warrior (Goliath)
89,00 DKK
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